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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Tommorrow I am having a Wisdom tooth pulled. It is not bothering me at all, but I did break it. I do not really want to have this done but It seems Like a "Wise" thing to do. Why do I really want to keep this tooth.It just sits there in the back dark corners of my mouth. They say you shouldn't keep any of them. I will still have two left after tommorrow and I think I will enjoy them. No need to be yanking out teeth for no good reason. Wise or not!!. I have heard that those who have their wisdom teeth are really no wiser than those who have none, but seriously who is the wise one. Could it be the Yanker of these teeth ( The Dentist)? Maybe so .


Marilyn and Robert said...

Ita all about the money..... you know those wise ones MR D I had mine pulled along time ago. Don't know if my wisdom left with them but I've done some wise moves since then so who knows. hey maybe when the wisdom teeth are gone instead of the wise thing going to your teeth maybe it goes to the brain. who knows just take care and I hope you don't hurt too much love ya

Karen said...

Hope you're doing well today. I had three wisdom teeth pulled at once. Ouch! It really wasn't too bad until I got dry socket. That was painful, so do everything the dentist tells you to do. No straws, smoking (lol), & whatever else he says to to or not to do. Remember, he's the wise one.

Marilyn and Robert said...

deb I got dry socket in one of them too. Believe me the more blood the better. That is soooo painful. Hope you are doing good.Give ben a hug for me.

Randy said...

So do you feel less wise now? Hope you are feeling fine. How's Ben? And Kim?