youngest son.
Everything turned out pretty good. Denise was a mess. She was going in a hundred directions at one time trying to organize the set up of the wedding. It was held in a little park just down the street from her house. She lives in Newport. It was very sunny but also very windy. The worst things that happened were the best man and maid of honor did not make it in time for any of the ceremony. But there were plenty of subs. It was pot luck and everyone brought a dish or two so there was a lot of food. The wedding cakes flowers all got smashed but it still looked Pretty. All and All it turned out to be a good Day for Chelsea and Nathan. They were going to Seaside for a three day Honeymoon.
Great pictures, but wow! Couldn't believe that Denise looks the same as always. But Tim!!!! I would have never recognized him. It's a good thing you had captions telling who he was. I feel bad for missing out on all the kids growing up. I don't even know Denise's kids except for Chelsea. And the only one of Tim's kids I knew was Michael, and that was when he was a baby.
Thanks for posting the pictures. I'm proud of you for starting pilates again. I still think it's funny that you waited three years!!!
Well have a great day,
Love Karen
Oh, by the way, Rachael came over to visit today and told us she's getting married. I read her your blog about BOLOGNA and she said that's funny because she's had that song stuck in her head lately. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that and get the song stuck in your head again. Hahahaha
I wouldn't recognize anyone except you and Denise.
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